Wednesday 6 November 2013

Critical Review of Personal Film Spectatorship - Hypodermic Needle Model

The Hypodermic Needle Model suggests that the behaviour of us as an audience can be directly influenced by what we see in the mass media - including film. The idea is that when we watch a movie, we can be subconsciously affected in a way that alters the way we see things or the way we might act.
As a spectator, I don't think that Mean Girls had any effect on my beliefs and behaviour as such (subconsciously or otherwise). The comedy was too much for there to have been any serious kind of message that could make me question my beliefs or change the way I act. What the film did do, however, was further establish some of the ideas that I already maintain as an individual - bullying being the main one. I know that it is wrong to bully, and I have never and will never do it, but after seeing the effect that bullying had on some of the girls' lives in the movie, it really did make my opposition to bullying even stronger.

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