Tuesday 24 December 2013

Group Film Marketing Strategy

General Info

Major vs Independent Films
When we see a movie trailer we can usually pretty much tell whether the film being represented is independent or major. Major films will more likely than not have at least a few familiar Hollywood faces which always helps to boost sales. Cinematography, Mise en Scene and Editing features always seem to be a lot better quality - this is due to the large budget available for the production of major films. Also, the soundtrack is likely to be made up of a lot of recognisable songs and bands as, once again, the budget allows for this. Independent films tend to have less well-known actors which immediately makes promotion harder - there is no celebrity face to use to sell the movie. Furthermore, the soundtrack of independent films is usually made up of songs by unknown bands - bands who would not charge so much for the rights to use their songs or even bands that would allow they're tracks to be used for free just for the advertising opportunity. Major films' large budgets also allows for much wider advertising opportunities on a range of different media platforms. Independent films do not have this luxury. 

Case Studies

Major film: American Hustle
Distributed by Columbia Pictures (major film distributor). Release Date Wednesday 1st January 2014. Budget $40 million.

Independant Film: Blue is the Warmest Color 
Distributed by Artificial Eye (minor film distributor). Release Date Friday 22 November 2013. Budget €4 million.

I looked at two Case Studies to compare marketing methods of both major and minor film distributors. 

In my opinion posters and trailers are the most effective methods of distribution. Both techniques enable the distributors to get the word out about their movies to a wide range of people. Trailers allow for word to spread about the movies whilst also enabling potential audience members the first look at what to expect from the film. However, not only does it cost to make the trailers, it also costs to have them advertised on television. Posters are a lot cheaper to produce and to distribute.

I think the distributors definitely used the right techniques to target their audience. The minor distributor particularly did well using social networking sites to promote 'Blue is the Warmest Color' as their target audience are amongst those who use social networking sites the most.

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